Free Ports Will Be A Catalyst For Growth

We were delighted to welcome Secretary of State for International Trade Liz Truss in August, when she visited our Teesport site to announce the creation of a Free Ports Commission.

The Commission will invite ports and airports across the country to bid to become one of up to ten Free Ports, which provide special freedoms to trade by offering exemptions from certain operational, regulatory and customs requirements.

We welcomed the opportunity to show Mrs Truss what we are capable of here at Teesport and to hear more about the Free Ports initiative.

Our Chief Operating Officer, Jerry Hopkinson, welcomed the announcement, saying that the creation of a Free Port would be a ‘catalyst’ for growth in the region.

“In recent years, Teesport, coupled with one of the deepest rivers in the UK, has attracted over £1bn of new investment to the Tees Valley,” he said.

“Together, the port, river and surrounding land provide a compelling infrastructure platform for the development of a revitalised and thriving industrial heartland in the Tees Valley – which sits right at the very centre of the Northern Powerhouse economy.

“The creation of Free Ports isn’t simply about Teesport; it is more about what it will bring to the area.

“What it can do is to help catalyse ambition; a catalyst that could drive industry, which is globally moveable, to choose to move to the UK, and to locate in the Tees Valley.”

The campaign for Free Ports has also been backed by Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen.

Mr Hopkinson added: “We look forward to continuing to work with the Tees Valley Mayor, the Tees river community, industry and stakeholders in the North to deliver the Free Port ambition.”

Jerry will be representing PD Ports on a panel to discuss Free Ports next month as we host an event at London International Shipping Week.

Taking place in conjunction with the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, our event will bring together industry experts to discuss the framework behind Free Ports and the potential benefit they could bring to UK PLC.

Registration is open for our event on Wednesday 11th September here: