Gate Automation is Going Live

As part of our strategic plans for the future of Unitised operations, we have automated our gate infrastructure and as of 29th July, all traffic for TCT2, Rail and Ferry terminals will enter the port via the new gate. The automated gate will be operational 24/7, and will enable fast and efficient entry and exit to the port. TCT1 and Riverside operations will be unaffected by this change.

Gate Automation is widely used in the container terminal industry, it is a well-proven and developed technology. It allows hauliers to ‘self serve’ at the gate, and means that only exceptions are managed by a gate clerk.

Some of the largest and most productive terminals in the world employ automation at the gate, as well as other key parts of their operation.

Automating the gate allows us to process transactions quickly. This is important, because as the throughput of units increases our current processes will not be fast enough. Automation helps us to keep ahead of our capacity increases, and prepare for the future.

We have worked with CAMCO, a leading provider of automation solutions to construct the new gate infrastructure, and develop a self-service gate interface.

CAMCO have already helped us develop and implement a Vehicle Booking System (VBS) as part of our automation process. This has been up and running since April 2019, and has been enforced with all hauliers since July 2019.

Along with our new infrastructure, we have also implemented a new Access Card System, which links to our induction records currently managed by Intasite.

Information about the VBS, Automated Gate and Driver Access Control System can be found on the driver information section of our website: