National Careers Week 2021 – Tom Borman

This week, we’re celebrating National Careers Week 2021! There are a vast range of roles available in the Port and Maritime sector, and to give you an insight into one of them, we caught up with Business Development Trainee, Tom Borman, to find out how he started his career and what his job role entails.

Please tell us your name and job title?

Tom Borman – Business Development Trainee

How long have you worked for PD Ports and what does your job entail?

I’ve worked for PD Ports for 18 months now, and my role mainly involves sales and contracting new business for the humber region. As well as that, I also – manage accounts for customers at the Hull office and I am involved with Import/export shipments, freight forwarding and customs clearances.

What do you like most about your job?

I like that every day is different and that there are always new challenges, new opportunities. The industry we operate in is huge, so it’s great that I have the opportunity to learn something new every day.

What route did you take into your career with PD Ports and would you recommend it?

I studied A-levels at college and instead of going to university, I completed a business apprenticeship at a local shipping company in Hull. I would definitely recommend an apprenticeship to anyone, as it allows you to learn work place skills from a young age and gain experience early on in your career.

How has PD Ports supported you on your career journey so far?

I was lucky enough to be able to undertake a BIFA Customs course, which I have now completed. This has allowed me to use this as a selling point when speaking to potential new customers at the Hull office, and also allows me to run the accounts myself. My manager Ian Gorford has also been very supportive in teaching me the operational side of the role I am in.

Do you/have you had a mentor at PD Ports, and if so, how influential has that been for you?

Ian Gorford and Dereck Martin at the Hull office have taught me a lot about the operational side of the business and how I can manage this in my role. This has really helped me be able to understand freight forwarding and be able to run my own customer accounts.

Has your job role changed in any way as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic?

I have worked from home from since March 2020 to January 2021. This has made it extremely difficult to speak to new potential customers, as once over I would have been on the road travelling a lot, but instead I now have had to do it over the phone, via email or Linkedin.

What did you want to be when you were younger and why?

I wanted to be a footballer because I love the sport and they earn a decent amount of money don’t they! I still play now but only at amateur level with friends in the local leagues on a Saturday.

Did you ever envisage working in the Port and Maritime sector?

To be totally honest, no. But, after completing my apprenticeship 6 years ago I’ve never looked back and can’t imagine working in any other sector in the future.

How do you see your career developing in the future?

In the future, I would like to be in a senior manager’s role and long-term maybe even a director. I like to have ambitious goals!