PD Ports helps raise £10,000 for Butterwick Hospice

Six companies raised £10,000 for Butterwick Hospice Care on Friday by taking part in a PD Ports sponsored Charity Cricket Tournament at the Emirates Durham International Cricket Ground.

The event was the first Charity Tournament to be held at the world-famous cricket ground and saw PD Ports, ESH Group, Eversheds, Sanderson Weatherall, Cleaners for Causes and Johnson Matthey Catalysts battle it out to be crowned the inaugural champions of the Butterwick Cricket Tournament.

The team from PD Ports eventually ran out as winners, but more importantly, an impressive amount of money was raised for the Butterwick Hospice.

David Robinson, PD Ports Group CEO, says: “Everyone had a fantastic day out and to top it all, the companies involved have managed to raise a staggering amount of money.”

Anne Cooling, Head of Corporate Development, adds: “Friday’s event has been wonderful and the income raised will provide one day’s care for the whole of Butterwick Hospice, which includes three Hospices incorporating Adults and Children’s Hospice in Stockton and the Day Care Hospice at Bishop Auckland.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank PD Ports, especially David Robinson, who proposed and sponsored the event and all the companies who entered teams.

“The enthusiasm and support shown from the companies involved has been brilliant and much appreciated by everyone here at Butterwick.”

Butterwick cares for 300 patients and their families every day. Patients receive care free of charge.The hospice aims to improve the quality of life for those who have a life limiting illness and their families and is dependent on fundraising to ensure it can continue its work.

Each team paid £1,000 to take part in the event, which also featured Regional Chairman of the Lords Taveners Alan Wright as guest speaker.

The day included lunch, tea and an evening dinner attended by more than 100 people. It has been confirmed that this event is to become an annual event.