PD Ports Launches Neurodiversity Employee Network Group

PD Port are happy to announce the launch of our Neurodiversity Employee Network Group to encourage neurodivergent individuals and allies to come together to discuss key issues and give support to neurodivergent talent within the organisation.

At PD Ports we want everyone to feel like they can succeed by creating an inclusive working environment and culture. Neurodiversity is one area of focus as we recognise that harnessing different perspectives make us stronger. We recognise that neurodivergent talent bring with them a huge range of unique skills that we want to invest in but its an area that is quite new for PD Ports. We want our neurodivergent colleagues to be part of the solution by raising awareness of what it means to be neurodivergent and understanding and addressing challenges.

Group Learning & Development Manager, Emma Dickinson said:

“I personally wanted to create a network group as someone who is late diagnosed ADHD and potentially Autism, I have spoken openly about my own lived experiences, but all our experiences are different and it’s not just those who are neurodivergent themselves that are impacted. You could have a family member, a child or just want to provide allyship.

I wanted to open it up to family members as understanding their needs will not only benefit them as an employee but as their children grow up, they’re potentially our future talent and we want to make sure our environments are that where neurodiversity can flourish.

I feel passionate that you do not need a formal diagnosis to join the group or to ask for reasonable adjustments to support you in the workplace – diagnosis is a privilege with long NHS waiting lists, costly private diagnosis and in some cases shortages of medication even if you are diagnosed.”

The employee network group will enable PD Ports and it’s employees to:

  • Understand the tools and knowledge needed to support our neurodivergent individuals and how we help to develop environments where neurodiversity can flourish.
  • Understand how the business can access and provide support and/ or reasonable adjustments for neurodivergent individuals and use this to inform neurodiversity policy/guidance.
  • Understand how we can accommodate different communication preferences – providing business information through a range of auditory, visual and written text.
  • Provide a psychologically safe space for our neurodivergent individuals to discuss challenges and help each other through their different lived experiences.
  • Understand how we can raise awareness of neurodiversity and the benefits it can bring to an organisation.
  • Share resources that help enhance neurodiversity inclusion and acceptance.
  • Work with policy owners to influence working practices to create naturally inclusive environments that by design support neurodivergent individuals without having to disclose.

Our full announcement video from Emma is available on our LinkedIn page here.

We look forward to sharing more as this group progresses further!