PD Ports shows support for local autism charity

Volunteers from PD Ports finance department recently donated their time and resources to support local charity Daisy Chain. The team of around 30 employees spent a day away from their Middlesbrough-based office to carry out repair and maintenance work at the charity’s base in Stockton.

Daisy Chain provides a range of services for those affected by autism, including support and activity groups for the whole family. With more than 1 in 100 of the UK population affected by autism, it is probable that, with a workforce of 1,350 people, a number of PD Ports’ employees will need the support of charities like Daisy Chain.

The volunteers used their time to paint newly refurbished rooms, weed and plant new flowers in the sensory garden enjoyed by the many visitors Daisy Chain receives.

Kirsten Donkin, PD Ports’ PR and Communications Manager, commented on the volunteering activities: “I’m absolutely delighted that we’ve been able to help Daisy Chain with a day of volunteering organised by our finance team. The activities the team got involved with don’t take a lot of time and aren’t very costly but mean so much to the charity.

“As a large employer in the area, we feel a sense of responsibility to show support where we can to our local communities and play an active part in improving quality of life for those who need it. As charities begin to feel the strain of an increase in demand for their services, we can see the positive impact of our support and we very much look forward to this continuing in 2016.”

Judith Haysmore, Daisy Chain Chief Executive said: “We were delighted that staff from PD Ports volunteered for the day at our site in Norton. Having a working farm to run means that there is always something that needs to be done, and having companies such as PD Ports provide volunteers for the day makes such a difference to Daisy Chain and our families that we support. We want to thank everyone that came and mucked in for the day and hope that they enjoyed the experience.”