PD Ports welcomes Government decision to award Teesside Freeport

PD Ports has today welcomed the Government’s decision to award Freeport status to the Tees Valley.

Owners and operators of Teesport, the fifth largest port complex in the UK and a key piece of national infrastructure, PD Ports has worked tirelessly to support the Mayor’s Freeport bid, hosting consultations with 100 key businesses and stakeholders to ensure the bid for the Tees Valley was as comprehensive as possible.

PD Ports CEO, Frans Calje, said the port operator is immensely grateful to the Government for awarding this opportunity to the Tees Valley.

“As the Statutory Harbour Authority for the River Tees, we delighted that the Government has awarded our region this opportunity and are now looking forward to continuing to work closely with them to maximise the benefits this will bring to our region,” said Frans.

“This marks the beginning of a new chapter in the Tees Valley’s renaissance – Freeport status will enable us at PD Ports to build on our successful track record of attracting investment and delivering real, sustainable jobs across the region for the region.

“The River Tees is a national asset for trade and our newly found Freeport status will further help us, as the legal guardians of the river, to unlock its full potential and deliver the prosperity this region deserves.”