Rail Freight and the Green Recovery

On Wednesday, PD Ports’ Group Business Development Director, Geoff Lippitt, appeared on a live webinar hosted by the Rail Freight Group (RFG) and law firm Addleshaw Goddard.

The session, entitled ‘how will rail freight aid the green recovery’, saw Geoff and other experts from across the industry, including the Director of the Northern Powerhouse Partnership, meet to discuss the role of rail freight in providing a greener solution for the end-to-end supply chain.

Across the whole of the logistics sector, we are noticing an uptake in the amount of businesses choosing rail as their preferred method of transporting cargo and, with over 30 services a week running from rail terminals at Teesport, PD Ports continues to advocate for the rail freight industry on a national scale.

Whilst we understand that intermodal logistics are of increasing importance to customers as a solution to reduce both cost and carbon emissions, bulks services also have a central place in contributing towards a green recovery.

“It’s important to look beyond just intermodal services when we talk about decarbonisation,” explained Geoff. “Whilst we have intermodal connections to Scotland, Doncaster and Daventry, for example, Teesport is also a conduit for bulks trains too.

“Our current rail offering includes services that run nationwide up and down the UK but the biggest issue we are facing at the moment is the lack of an East to West Trans Pennine route. Once this has been rectified we will be able to further promote the decarbonisation agenda.”

It is estimated that rail freight reduces CO2 emissions by up to 76% when compared to road. Running five days per week, our Teesport to Doncaster service removes up to 112 daily road movements from the heavily congested UK road network when running twice daily – a journey of 90 miles each way per vehicle. This is significantly increasing sustainability for our customers.

Our two daily services to Scotland also offer a drastic reduction in CO2 emissions, saving over 6,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually during their return journeys from Teesport to Grangemouth and Teesport to Mossend.

“We are continually looking at pushing the green agenda, not only for Teesport but for the whole of the Tees Valley and beyond,” continued Geoff.

“This is an industry-wide agenda and bodies such as the Rail Freight Group, alongside businesses and rail operators, are instrumental in pushing this forward.”