Working together for maritime innovation

We are proud to announce that we have entered into a new partnership to create the UK’s first Maritime Innovation Hub.

Along with Port of Tyne – where the hub is based – Nissan, Connected Places Catapult, Accenture, Royal HaskoningDHV and Ubisoft, we will collaborate on the 2050 Innovation Hub, working to develop solutions to the technological challenges facing the maritime sector and the wider logistics industry.

The hub will be a catalyst for sharing ideas, harnessing research and development, and tackling shared challenges, as well as also attracting more young people into the maritime sector.

Our chief executive, Frans Calje, said: “Northern Ports need to collaborate with manufacturers and technology partners to increase their global competitiveness and rebalance the economy. The 2050 Innovation Hub will enable us to share knowledge and expertise to drive revolutionary change in the maritime industry powered by advancing technologies.”

The Secretary of State for Transport, The Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, officially opened the hub in July, saying: “The British maritime sector is world famous for driving innovation. The Innovation Hub is a fantastic way to increase efficiency, making our ports more attractive to businesses at home and abroad, as well as ensuring the UK continues to lead the way in maritime technology for decades to come.”

We’re delighted to be involved in the initiative, which is fully aligned with the Government’s Maritime 2050 Strategy and will work closely with the Department for Transport and MarRI-UK to ensure that it delivers for the benefit of the maritime sector as a whole.